Stair WorkOut to power my Abs Project

Friday, July 30, 2010

I have been extremely motivated in this abs project that I incorporated another form of exercise - a stair workout.

Our office is at the 11th floor of a building has, thankfully, two elevators. But today there were long queues of people waiting to ride them. So, I tried the stairs to get to our office unit faster.

This is where the idea hit me.

Stair Work-Out for my ABS
Courtesy of My Office Building Stairs

The way I started this project was humorous. There was a need to improve my health, create a personal blog that will eventually be used at work and at the same time realize a solution to not-so-pleasing to look at abs.

Soon, I was thinking of diet and simple routines. When the desire was solidly established, I sought to do a weekly physical activity - jogging. Basic personal workouts followed and now another one - physical activity using the stairs of the building where our office is located. I feel that stair exercises will further accelerate my project.

We are on the 11th floor. I just thought that using the stairs instead of the elevators would do wonders in burning calories. Most of my waking hours are spent in the office. And the stairs just lay there waiting to be utilized.

It started with just 2 floors walking through stairs, then it became 7 floors and this week, I have accomplished going from the ground floor to the eleventh.

I feel that doing this stair workout at least once a day will do wonders for my abs and endurance.


laser toner cartridge blogger said...


Just curious... what could be the calorieperstep ratio of that activity of yours?

Keep it up! ;)

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