Clearer Pointers for My Abs Project

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jesse Stanchak's How to blog like a dieter (and vice-versa) felt like written specifically for this blog.

Shamefully, I have been struggling with my abs project. And this blog, being an extension of it, struggles as well.

I can not agree more with Jesse that blogging and dieting (in my case, improving my abs) are both alike. That it requires self-discipline, patience and self-knowledge.

Here are the clearer lessons for my abs project that the article pointed out to me.

Jesse enumerated six similarities between blogging and dieting that I now relate to my abs project and to this blog.
  1. I've got to know what I need to do.
  2. Jesse encourages me to focus on what I need to do rather than what I need to avoid. He's absolutely right. If I failed to do sit-ups today and worry no end, tomorrow will still be the same - I can try again. Simply put, I should do sit-ups daily.
  3. I have to set goals for every stage.
  4. He further wrote
    "People who only say “Someday, I’d like to …” never do. If you only think about the end result — whether its sales leads or a slim waist — everything else feels too daunting. People who only say, “Today, I’ll settle for …” never do any better. You keep yourself from building momentum and taking advantage of strategic possibilities. You need a medium focus to help keep you on the path to success. The goals in the middle are the ones that keep you accountable and keep you on the road to “someday.”"
    My goal is to lose an inch off my waistline every month. If you nag me about it, it will boost my perseverance.
  5. I got to measure, but not too much.
  6. I have to measure my progress in connection to my goals. Since my goal is in a month's time, I only need to measure once month. That means less time worrying about my progress and more time to actually do the project.
  7. I've got to take a balanced approach.
  8. It is not just enough to regularly do sit ups. I also got to watch what I put inside, specifically, having too much rice in a single meal. Also, I have to reschedule my rice intake to be more during breakfast rather than dinner.
  9. I've got to do it my way.
  10. This is where self-knowledge comes into the picture. I've noticed that I do not do well with military-like regimen. I felt happier when for a given a day, I voluntarily increased my number of sit-ups because I want to and not just following a pre-planned number of repetitions.
  11. I've got to commit to my abs project.
  12. Being still a bachelor at 32 practically says it all, about me and the word commitment. If I can be committed to making my abs stronger and prettier to look upon, then I can be more able to commit too, with other important aspects of my life. But first, being committed to the project will translate to this blog being more active.
Such momentum a few days back is doing wonders for my morale and motivation for my abs project.

It's ON!


Lighter Me & New Momentum in Pursuing This Project

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Three months after, I am excitedly updating this blog and enjoying a new-found momentum for my abs project.

Moments ago, I put out my old weighing scale. I am glad that I now weigh less than 60 kilograms, around 58 kgs some give and take. My body mass index at 22.7 shows I'm currently at my ideal weight.

Prior to checking my weight, I did some 5 full push-ups. In sports parlance, I am on fire.

On one hand, I was discouraged to update this blog because I failed to follow my project plan. However, my fitness plan got an unlikely boosts.

Nearing two months now, I have been, unintentionally at that, performing a physical activity daily. Being out of work coupled with my father's health problems, I have no choice but to be in-charged with purchasing products to be sold at our small sari-sari store.

Walking to and from the supermarket, carrying grocery bags of varying weights, served to be my daily work-out. Sometimes, I get to do that twice in a day. Every now and then, I'd do sit-ups and push-ups.

3 different persons already commented that I lost weight. One said I don't look good being so. While another praised the seeming reduction on my love handles. The third one is my girlfriend, so her point of view might be biased towards making me feel good. Hehehe!

But weighing myself today proved that I really lost some weight. That is a welcome validation and a source of new-found momentum for me to get back on track on my abs project.

Still, there's so much to do. Even my abs-project 2011 resolution is hard to accomplish on a regular basis.

But the good thing is, until I find a new job, I will be obliged with this informal workout. My abs project surely wouldn't mind.


Sick of Being Sick

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Not being able to continuously exercise is bad as it keeps me from gaining tract of my abs project. But being sick is worse.

Worse for my body, for my mood, for my drive to blog or do anything else. Not to mention the big holes it brought to my wallet.

Last March 20, I attended the annual homecoming at my high school alma mater. After which, I felt rejuvenated and ready for my job search plan. However, a day later I contracted a flu that lasted almost a week. And up until now, I have been bothered by a cough that looks like wont be leaving me soon.

Image from blog, crumpcrew.

The plan for that week was to submit as much resume as possible to potential employers so that when April comes I will be busy with interviews. And as I wait for calls for interview schedules, I will be blogging and working out too.

During the same homecoming, it was announced that on the ocassion of the school's foundation day, a fun run for a cause will be held. That will be in August. And I thought then, that I can include in my health & fitness goal to be able to join the 3K category.

I still have three months to go but the period of being sick with flu and the persistent coughing put a big question mark into achieving such a short term goal.



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